Submit Link

If you would like to be included in our links directory, please note the guidelines & requirements below.

  1. We only accept links that exist on a content page from your site. We do not exchange for resource, blog comments, forum posts, or directory listings.
  2. Your site in which you wish to exchange with us must have a Google Page Rank of 3 or higher for the Home Page.
  3. The site we exchange with must be a music related site.
  4. You must own your domain name. No sites being hosted on free services will be listed.
  5. Sites that contain adult content, warez, or any kind of illegal or inappropriate activity will not be accepted.
  6. We do not accept sites whose links page is not accessible from the homepage.
  7. You site must NOT use frames. Most search engines do not index framed pages.
  8. Only reciprocal link exchanges will be accepted. Your back links to Home Grown Music must be on the site we are linking to, we are not interested in three way link schemes.

Once the above guidelines have been met, you can use this form to submit your listing for our links directory. Complete this form after you place the Home Grown Music Network link on your site. We will confirm that our link is properly placed on your site before adding yours to our own directory.

We reserve the right to quietly decline link exchanges for whatever reason.

This directory is for standard website listings. If you have a band, festival, or venue you would like to have listed our website, please visit each of those respective sections.

Be sure to check out the banners you can use to link your site to ours.

You may also be interested in sponsoring a banner on our website.

Submitter Info
Who are you?
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.